Article name Formation of Logical Universal Learning Activities of Young Schoolchildren at Environmental Science Lessons Through Digital Laboratories
Authors Kopylova L.V.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor
Patlataya S.M.Master Degree Student
Bibliographic description Kopylova L. V., Patlataya S. M. Formation of Logical Universal Learning Activities of Young Schoolchildren at Environmental Science Lessons Through Digital Laboratories // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2023. Vol. 18, no. 4. Р. 76–87. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-4-76-87.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2023-18-4-76-87
UDK 373.3
Article type Original article
Annotation Today, one of the conditions for the formation of a comprehensively developed personality is the achievement of metasubject educational results, involving the mastery of universal educational actions by students: cognitive, regulatory, communicative. The need for the formation of logical universal learning activities (LULA), as one of the groups of cognitive universal learning activities, is indicated in the Federal State Educational Standard of Primary General Education. The article presents the results of a study aimed at theoretical and practical substantiation of the possibilities of forming logical universal learning activities of younger schoolchildren in the lessons of the surrounding world through digital laboratories. The methodological basis of the study consisted of: a system-activity approach in teaching; the concept of the universal learning activities development in primary school; theoretical and practical foundations of digitalization of education. To achieve this goal, theoretical (analysis, synthesis, generalization of literary sources on the research problem), empirical (observation, research, pedagogical experiment, measurement, comparison, description) and mathematical (qualitative and quantitative analysis of results) research methods are applied. The authors present the diagnostic base of the study, which allowed determining the level of formation of students’ logical universal learning activities. The diagnostic results revealed the need for further formation of logical universal learning activities of younger schoolchildren. Examples of lessons of the surrounding world aimed at the formation of logical minds of younger schoolchildren through digital laboratories are given. The results of repeated diagnostics of the level of logical universal learning activities formation of younger schoolchildren according to the methods of the ascertaining stage are presented. Comparative results showed positive dynamics in the formation of logical universal learning activities of students, which indicates the validity of using digital laboratories in the lessons of the surrounding world as a means of forming logical universal learning activities of younger schoolchildren. The perspective of the research consists in the inclusion of other types of digital technologies in the educational process, as well as in the development of a bank of after-school recommendations, practical and laboratory work in accordance with the program of primary general education.
Key words metasubject learning outcomes, logical universal learning actions, primary general education, junior schoolchildren, environmental science, digital technologies, digital laboratories
Article information
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