Article name Organization of Inventive Activity of Schoolchildren in Network Interaction
Authors Usoltsev A.P.Doctor of Pedagogy
Shamalo T. .Doctor of Pedagogy
Novoselov S.A.Doctor of Pedagogy
Bibliographic description Usoltsev A. P., Shamalo T. N., Novoselov S. A. Organization of Inventive Activity of Schoolchildren in Network Interaction // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2024. Vol. 19, no. 3. P. 68–78. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-3-68-78.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2024-19-3-68-78
UDK 373:004
Article type Original article
Annotation The relevance is related to the need to develop engineering innovative thinking of schoolchildren based on inventive, technical activities. The hypothesis of the study is as follows: the organization of inventive activity of schoolchildren is advisable, taking into account the principles of thinking development and on the basis of a network association of schoolchildren for an event related to invention. The novelty lies in the justification of the need for network interaction in the organization of schoolchildren’s inventive activities; in highlighting the possibilities of network interaction to take into account the principles of thinking development. The principle of subjectivity is associated with the need to develop conscious human self-regulation; the principle of clarity is to highlight the essential aspects of the subject of study for the correct and rapid formation of the required concept; the principle of normality determines the need for the formation of norms, patterns, algorithms of mental activity; the principle of consistency is aimed at forming connections between concepts, eventually forming cognitive-representative structures of thinking; the principle of creativity is aimed at developing imagination, the main condition for its implementation is the creation of a creative environment; the principle of complementarity is associated with the use of dichotomous models in the educational process, dialectically mutually exclusive and complementary to each other for a holistic understanding of the studied object. Research methods are analysis of scientific and methodological literature, organization of networking in education and the experience of organizing schoolchildren’s inventive activities, observation, interview with participants of various events related to children’s invention, analysis of the practice of such events. The practical results of the work are determined by the organization of mass events for schoolchildren, which require their active communication within the framework of the interaction of various subjects of the educational process, possible in a network format: Engineering Olympiad, Tournament of Young Inventors, Ural-Innova Young Inventors competition. As a result, the following research results have been obtained: it is most advisable to create the organization of schoolchildren’s inventive activities in the network interaction with centers at universities. The development of thinking should be considered as the goal of this activity; the methodological basis of this activity are the principles of thinking development.
Key words networking, principles of thinking development, inventive activity, technical creativity, additional education
Article information
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Full articleOrganization of Inventive Activity of Schoolchildren in Network Interaction