Article name From the Consent – to the Dispute: Holy Writ Epigraph in Russian Literature of the XIX–XX centuries
Authors Snigireva T.A. Doctor of Philology, professor,
Podchinenov A.V. associate professor, director of “USU Press” ,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK УДК 821.161.1+82–193+27–184+27–42
Article type
Annotation Conceptually and logically, the article, being devoted to the analysis of Holy Writ epigraphs functioning in Feodor Dostoevsky’s and Anna Akhmatova’s works is based on the following scientific statements. Firstly, they mark those Russian cultural connections which deeply associate the names of Dostoevsky and Akhmatova: Pushkin, St. Petersburg, Orthodoxy. The second thing is the study of Holy Writ epigraphs as connected with ideological, ethical, and creative principles stated by the author and by the text. Finally, the article is an attempt to discover that basic semantic and functional shift which makes the main distinction between two epochs in literature.
Key words Bible, epigraph, epoch (in literature), inner space, moral ideal, ethic and religious norm.
Article information
Full articleFrom the Consent – to the Dispute: Holy Writ Epigraph in Russian Literature of the XIX–XX centuries