Article name Research Approaches to the Informative Regulating Texts in French
Authors Burenina Y.S. senior teacher, Department of Romance Languages,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Reports
UDK УДК 811.133.1’42
Article type
Annotation In the given article the three main research approaches to the Informative Regulating Texts in French are described. They are cultural linguistic approach, sociolinguistic approach and functional-pragmatic approach. Special attention is given to the functionalpragmatic approach in which two aspects are identified: the communication oriented aspect providing the description of communicative strategies and tactics of regulation and the textual aspect.
Key words the French language, Informative Regulating Texts, miniature text, group and mass communication, cultural linguistic approach, sociolinguistic approach, functional- pragmatic approach.
Article information
Full articleResearch Approaches to the Informative Regulating Texts in French