Article name Elite-pedagogical Ideas of the Russian Liberal Elitism Representatives in Understanding Revolutionary Events in Russia 1905–1907 years
Authors Levdanskaya Y.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Levdanskaya Yu. Yu. Elite-pedagogical Ideas of the Russian Liberal Elitism Representatives in Understanding Revolutionary Events in Russia 1905–1907 Years // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 4. PP. 110–119. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-4-110-119.
UDK 37.013.73
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-4-110-119
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the socio-political and philosophical thought of the domestic liberal elitism representatives in understanding the revolutionary events of 1905–1907 in the scope of elitology and elite-pedagogy. The comprehension of elite-pedagogical ideas is carried out around the discourse of the “Russian intellectuals” crisis, its role and responsibility for the events occurred through the prism of the phenomena of “elite transit” and “mass revolt”. It has been shown that the philosophical and pedagogical thought of Russian liberal elitism anticipated the culturological approach development and the meritocratic tradition of modern elitology and elite-pedagogy: formulation of the elite educating problem, which is responsible to the people and is involved in the surrounding majority, aware of the high spiritual responsibility for their creative space to the people; consideration of questions of the elite culture and education popularization, interaction of “elitist” and “mass” culture, education of the masses and the task of legitimizing the achievements of culture, science, art, politics in the masses. The knowledge of pedagogical phenomena in the context of elitology and elite-pedagogy, as well as the reflection of the history of pedagogy in line with the studied issues, will allow the author to identify negative trends in modern education that reduce its possibilities regarding the upbringing and education of the higher stratum of society.
Key words elite, elitology, elite-pedagogy, elitist personality, upbringing, mediocracy, marginalization
Article information
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Full articleElite-pedagogical Ideas of the Russian Liberal Elitism Representatives in Understanding Revolutionary Events in Russia 1905–1907 years