Article name Practice-Oriented Training of Bachelors of Pedagogy on the Profile “Primary Education”
Authors Kotova S.A. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Kotova S. A. Practice-Oriented Training of Bachelors of Pedagogy on the Profile “Primary Education” in Herzen State Pedagogical University // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2020. Vol. 15, No. 2. PP. 118-124. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-2-118-124.
UDK 378
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2020-15-2-118-124
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the actual problem of training highly qualified personnel in higher educational institutions in the light of modern social demands and challenges of the future. The author analyzes the problem of training a specialist in an uncertain future. The significance of basic universal education with a focus on self-development and self-change during life is shown in the system of specialist training. The article reveals the significance of the transition of higher education to a competence approach, which involves training a graduate who is ready to effectively solve a wide range of practical tasks. The author conducted a study of the experience of designing the educational process of preparing a bachelor in the direction of Pedagogical education. The article analyzes in detail the characteristics of practice-oriented training in the bachelor’s degree and shows the importance of focusing training on the Professional standard of the teacher. The experience of designing the educational program and training of primary school teachers at the Institute of childhood of the Herzen state pedagogical University is presented. The structure of the educational program and the principles of selecting the forms and content of training within the new paradigm of higher education are revealed. The role of employers in the design of the educational program is shown. The article presents an original solution to the problem of designing the structure and content of educational modules. The possibilities of the variable part of the educational program are revealed. Special attention is paid to the consideration of the importance and tasks of training a specialist through a system of practices from educational practice for the acquisition of primary orientation to pre-graduate practice, which completes the process of preparing a bachelor. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the practice-oriented model of future teacher training is given. The role of professional and public expertise of the educational program in improving the quality of the higher education system is shown. The experience presented in the article can be applied to the design of higher education programs for training teachers in various areas.
Key words higher pedagogical education, professional competence, educational program of bachelor degree, practice-oriented approach, primary school teacher
Article information
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Full articlePractice-Oriented Training of Bachelors of Pedagogy on the Profile “Primary Education”