Article name Chemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Steppe Plants in Buryatiya
Authors Bukhaeva L. . Buyantueva Candidate of Biology, associate professor,
Alekseeva E. . Candidate of Biology, associate professor , astragalus
Bibliographic description
Section Ecology
UDK 571 (571.54)
Article type
Annotation The study describes the chemical composition of steppe plants found in Buryatiya. The green mass of the studied steppe phytocenosis, according to their biochemical parameters of organic compounds, has a relatively good forage value. Following the norms of microelements plant supply, the authors state that there is zinc and copper deficiency in the area. Therefore, in order to prevent diseases associated with deficiency of these microelements it is suggested to optimize their content by enriching forage plants with them.
Key words organic substances, protein, fiber, macro- and microelement composition, live and dead phytomass, feeding value.
Article information
Full articleChemical Composition and Nutritional Value of Steppe Plants in Buryatiya