Article name The Effect of Nootropics on the Acid-Base Balance in Rats with Oxygen Deficiency
Authors Stasyuk O.N. graduate student,
Bibliographic description
Section Human and Animal Physiology
UDK 616
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the effect of nootropics on the rats under hypoxia. The study is based on germovolume hypoxia as a model of hypoxia which considerably changes the acid-base balance of blood. The indices of pH, pCO2, and pO2 decrease, i. e. the author registers respiratory acidosis. Piracetam in the dose with antihypoxic effect (50mg/kg) has a protective effect comparable to the action of sodium hydroxybutyrate, which is considered an etalon of antihypoxic effect. The substance of nootropic type, meclofenoxate (100 mg/kg), with no antihypoxic effect, also has a protective effect on rats in the state of hypoxia. All studied substances had a protective effect on the acid-base balance during hypoxia, set on this model.
Key words hypoxia, acidosis, alkalosis, nootropics, piracetam, natrium oxybutyrate, meclofenoxate.
Article information
Full articleThe Effect of Nootropics on the Acid-Base Balance in Rats with Oxygen Deficiency