Article name Ontological Basis of Descriptive Texts
Authors Khamaganova V.M. Doctor of Philology, professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 417.32
Article type
Annotation The characteristics of physical space (objectivity and three-dimensionality) are verbalized by the descriptive text type and its actantial nucleus. Materiality of the space is expressed by object actants, the parameters of three-dimensionality are represented by the actants of the spatial structure. Objects exist at a time (synchronism) and at a definite place (coincidence). The coincidence of events in a single space creates the possibility of a causal chain of events that emphasizes the existential unity of the described fragment of the world. Only this row of objects may be the subject of a number of descriptions, and its properties come to the attention of the observer. The space of contemplation may correspond to physical features of human visual range or to the range of “internal” view equal to the perceiver’s experience. In this case, simultaneity doesn’t occur in absolute space, but in possible spatial unity. That’s why the notion of “the starting point” does matter for space and time perception of the existing objects verbalized by descriptive texts.
Key words space and time, objectivity and three-dimensionality of physical space, descriptive text, actantial nucleus, simultaneity and coincidence, observer’s field of vision.
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Full articleOntological Basis of Descriptive Texts