Article name The Study of the Language of Written Monuments in Buryatia
Authors Shagdarova T.V. Postgraduate,
Badmayeva () L.B. Сandidate of Philology, associate professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Oriental Studies
UDK 811=512.36
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the study of the language of written heritage of the Buryats in the Old Mongolian language. It presents a brief review of the history of studying the issue. Buryat old written monuments are historical, didactic, medical, philosophical, philological, lexicographic, legal, Buddhist, memoirs writings, among them chronicles are of special importance. The article underlines that the Old Mongolian language played an important role in the language of medieval science in Buryatia. The authors consider that a broad study and publication of Buryat chronicles began thanks to the efforts of such Mongolists as N. N. Poppe, A. I. Vostrikov and V. A. Kazakevich in the first half of the 20th century. At the same time the paper highlights that there were many publications of the texts translated from Old Mongolian into Buryat and Russian, but these translations were not studied and generalized. At the end of the last century, the study of the language and style of Buryat annals began. The results of this study were generalized in monographs and scientific articles. The authors note that the study of Buryat written culture is an important aspect of the language policy in the Republic of Buryatia.
Key words Old Mongolian language, monuments of written culture, Buryat chronicles, the language of written records.
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Full articleThe Study of the Language of Written Monuments in Buryatia