Article name And yet the Russian Language … (Language Choice Factors to Communicate in Multiethnic Buryatia)
Authors Egodurova V.M. Doctor of Philology, professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Language and Culture
UDK 811.161.1 (571.54)
Article type
Annotation The article focuses on the factors determining the language of communication in multiethnic Buryatia. The author describes bilingual and monolingual individuals, conditions providing bilingual communication, situational factors in choosing the Russian or the Buryat language by bilinguals, and language interference in their speech. Bilinguals have an ability to easily switch in their speech from Russian to Buryat and from Buryat to Russian. The author explains the reasons for such mixed-speech behavior and analyzes extra-linguistic, psycholinguistic, socio-linguistic preferences in the choice of the Russian language for bilingual communication. There is a conflict between the individual’s language knowledge and his ethnicity. The author shows that the Russian language has always served as an integrator for ethnic groups living in Russia and thus it contributes to statehood strengthening.
Key words bilinguals, Russian Buryats, choice of the Russian language for communication, extra-linguistic factors, linguistic factors.
Article information
Full articleAnd yet the Russian Language … (Language Choice Factors to Communicate in Multiethnic Buryatia)