Article name Educational School Environment as a Factor in Schoolchildren’s Socialization
Authors Lesnyanskaya L.A. ,
Bibliographic description
Section Applied Research
UDK 37.012
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the terms “environment” and “educational environment” in the works of the scientists of the 20th – 21st centuries. It explains the connection between the environment and the socio-cultural situation, ways of organizing the educational environment and the components of the educational environment, depending on the type of connections and relationships that structure it. Pedagogy should, above all, overcome pedagogical isolation that is typical for mass practice and the underestimation of the social environment in man’s education, as the formation of the individual is a holistic process, in the totality of the objective social conditions. The paper presents the concept of the environmental approach in education, developing environment and the principle of subsidiarity, discusses the components of the educational environment, discloses the connection of the socialization process and educational environment and describes how the educational environment promotes successful socialization. The article presents some approaches to the concept of “socialization”.
Key words environment, educational environment, education, socialization.
Article information
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Full articleEducational School Environment as a Factor in Schoolchildren’s Socialization