Article name Emotional and Personal Characteristics in the Structure of Professionally Important Qualities of the Operational Staff of the Energy Sector
Authors Vorona O.A. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Korochenko T.Y. Master’s Program Student,
Bibliographic description
Section General Psychology
UDK 17.024
Article type
Annotation The paper presents the results of an in-depth study of the psycho-physiological research on professionally important psychological features of the operational staff of the energy sector. The relationships of emotional and personal characteristics with professionally important qualities of the personality’s different levels are studied on a representative sample consisting of 250 people, employees of the operational services of the energy sector. It is assumed that the emotional and personal characteristics in the system of professionally important qualities may be associated with all levels of the individual (psycho-physiological characteristics, cognitive processes, etc.). The study shows that emotional and personal characteristics have a large number of significant relationships with professionally important features of other levels of the personality’s structure. This fact allows making a conclusion about their importance as one of the regulators of the system of professionally important psychological characteristics and the need for their evaluation in the practice of psychological support of the operational staff’s professional activity.
Key words professionally important qualities, structure of professionally important qualities of the operational staff, personality of a professional, psycho-physiological security in the activity of the electric power industry.
Article information
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Full articleEmotional and Personal Characteristics in the Structure of Professionally Important Qualities of the Operational Staff of the Energy Sector