Article name Socio-pedagogical Reflection of Students of Psycho-pedagogical Specialities
Authors Karagacheva M.V. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Kedich S.I. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Sitnikov V.L. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Social and Educational Psychology
UDK 159.955.4
Article type
Annotation The article discusses the results of a comparative study of reflexive socio-perceptual images of the future teachers and psychologists who are studying in the institutions of secondary and higher professional education. The accuracy and efficiency of reflexive images are especially important for teachers and psychologists. The aim of the study is to determine the structure and content of reflexive and actual self-images of students, as well as to make a comparative analysis of their connection with the images of teachers in the students’ minds. The study introduces the concepts of “social-pedagogical reflection,” and “reflexive self-image.” “The reflexive self-image” is defined as a fixed representation of a person on how he is perceived by this or that given subject. Reflexive self-images are similar in structure and content with the current self-images. The reflexive self-images of polar modality are much more intertwined with the images of the “favorite” and “least favorite” teacher than with self-images. The paper reveals fundamental differences of reflexive self-images of students in secondary and higher education institutions.
Key words students, future teachers and psychologists, socio-perceptual images, socio-pedagogical reflection, reflexive self-image, personal orientation.
Article information
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Full articleSocio-pedagogical Reflection of Students of Psycho-pedagogical Specialities