Article name Problem Solving Approach in Teaching Listening Comprehension to Junior Students at Language Departments
Authors Panteyeva Y.Y. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378:372.8:811
Article type
Annotation The article deals with problems of the professional education of future interpreters. It maintains the sufficiency of applying problem-solving approach to academic training of listening comprehension on account of educational process optimization and necessity in a future specialist’s creative skills development. The article gives psychological characteristics of listening as a kind of receptive speech activity and its three phase structure that are described in Russian methods of teaching a foreign language. The article describes a practice of applying problematization of the teaching material to training listening comprehension in a PC-based students’ book for self-guided work. Communicative tasks were elaborated on the basis of problematization in exercises before, during and after listening, the latter were also used in teaching productive speaking activities; it enables to control teaching listening skills of understanding foreign speech and stimulate students’ cognitive skills.
Key words listening, receptive speech, problem solving approach to teaching, problematization.
Article information
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Full articleProblem Solving Approach in Teaching Listening Comprehension to Junior Students at Language Departments