Article name Fish Nutrition in Some Small Reservoirs of the Ivan-Arakhley System and Their Potential for Piscicultural Operations
Authors Gorlachyova Y.P. Candidate of Science (Biology), senior research assistant,
Bibliographic description
Section Zoology
UDK 597. 556. (1–925.16)
Article type
Annotation Small lakes of Zabaikalsky krai are of great value. Among them there are small bodies of water that are part of the Ivan-Arakhley lakes. Organization of fish nursery farms on the small lakes is currently topical. One way of these lakes utilization is cultivation of larval whitefish using natural forage. In this regard, the main factors determining the possibility of settlement and stock rearing growing species are ecological and morphological characteristics of the small bodies of water, and availability of necessary food resources. Rational use of all food resources of the small reservoirs requires nutrition study of both invasive and native fish fauna. The studies have shown that the conditions of lump in the small lakes are favorable for juvenile Arctic cisco. The paper reports on nutrition facts for perch, cisco, roach, and silver carp in the small lakes of the Ivan-Arakhley system. The study shows that basic nutrition for fish studied is growth inhabitants. Competitive interactions are not observed. When there is a compacted crop of young Arctic cisco in Lake Karasevo, the deterioration of feeding conditions is observed reflecting in their growth characteristics. Nutritional analysis of juvenile fish species showed that some lakes can be used for larvae cisco rearing.
Key words small reservoirs, fish fauna, nutrition, degree of filling, bolus, zooplankton.
Article information
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Full articleFish Nutrition in Some Small Reservoirs of the Ivan-Arakhley System and Their Potential for Piscicultural Operations