Article name Triune Transboundary Regions: Symmetry of Territorial Organization of Population and Economy
Authors Novikov A.N. Doctor of Geography, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Geography
UDK 911:32
Article type
Annotation Triune transboundary regions which are formed at the junction of three state boundaries are specific integral geographic formations, which have characteristics of radial symmetry in the territorial organization of population and economy. They represent a new level in organization of border economic and settlement structures and differ from dual ones, which possess characteristics of linear symmetry. Transboundary integration of triune transboundary regions leads to the process of mutual organization of boundary territorial structures. Different levels of economic development of bordering countries lead to asymmetrical spatial organization of population and economy of border territories, which indicates that there are a “follower” and a “leader” boundary positions. Identification of triune transboundary regions requires the use of triune logic which follows from the law of complementarity, and its realization on a new theoretical and geographic level.
Key words boundary, Zabaikalsky krai, China, Russia, triune logic, Mongolia, population, transboundary territories, regional politics, theoretical geography, transboundary integration, transboundary symmetry, triune transboundary region, economy.
Article information
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Full articleTriune Transboundary Regions: Symmetry of Territorial Organization of Population and Economy