Article name Topic as a Basic Element of Political Reality Construction in Ukraine in the Discourse of Russian and Ukrainian Mass Media
Authors Gazinskaya Y.V. Assistant,
Bibliographic description
UDK 81’1
Article type
Annotation In the article the political discourse is considered as a linguistic category, which is presented in the form of texts thematically correlated in the event aspect. Texts interpret the discourse which, in its turn, interprets the power. Mass-media accumulating socio-political issues not only construct political reality, but also contribute to the actualization of linguistic nominations of the subjects of political reality. Fixation of such phenomena allows one to learn the language of politics in close connection with life and to determine the specific characteristics of the mental world (the system of linguistic forms), and also to explain the fact that representation modes of the political picture of the world is explained by the cultural (mental) context, where knowledge is represented by the classification of reality in certain categories.The process of knowledge formation (ideas and meanings constructing the value) is associated with the process of interpreting reality. Therefore, by studying the topics and conceptual-semantic organization of the mass media in Russia and Ukraine, the model of contemporary political discourse is constructed. In turn, the specific texts and language categories/nominations, which represent informative space, constitute the empirical basis for the description of the political discourse.
Key words political discourse, construction of reality, subject matter, language nominations.
Article information
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Full articleTopic as a Basic Element of Political Reality Construction in Ukraine in the Discourse of Russian and Ukrainian Mass Media