Article name Knowledge Resource Control in the Educational Cluster of the Teaching Staff Advanced Training
Authors Dugarova D.T. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation New factors and the strategy of the professional development are concerned with the implementation of new federal state educational standards. Directions of changes, problems and perspectives of quality guarantee formation of higher vocational educational programmes implementation is revealed in the article. Change of goals, organization, content and conditions of the educational process defines new theoretical approaches of knowledge resource control. Mechanisms establishment of the state public administration with the professional development is examined with the help of special mechanisms of knowledge resource control, educational clusters control and networks in the system of continuing professional education. A new human resources policy defines a targeted support of the professional growth, human resource exchange in the sphere of science and work or development in educational clusters. Public private partnership is in perspective as well as multiestablishment in the system of continuing professional education. Innovation conception of the planning of network education programs, new forms of network interactions in the scientific, project and educational activity in the described project defines a polyfunctional model of the professional training modernization.
Key words academic mobility, educational cluster, knowledge resource control, network interaction, polyfunctional knowledge resources.
Article information
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