Article name Virtual Ideologies and Crisis of Ideologies in Information Society
Authors Mart’yanov D.S. Candidate of Political Science, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.75
Article type
Annotation The article deals with features of the political discourse on the Internet in the context of the new virtual ideologies. A conceptual analysis of the approaches to the study of political ideologies in the information society is considered. The key aspects of the post-ideological society and the problems of the crisis of ideologies are analyzed. The author considers the influence of ideologies on political process transformation into administrative and management processes. The concept of post-materialist values of R. Inglehart is examined separately. The author identifies the main factors that influence the emergence of new ideological trends related to post-materialist values. The main approaches to the study of the conceptual aspects of ideologies in the information society are considered. The author identifies “left” and “right” discourses of modern virtual ideologies. Aclassic example of virtual discourse of hacking and cyberpunk culture is analyzed. The basic “left” movements (copylefters, pirates and crypto-anarchists) are identified. The author analyzes the features of the “right” cyberdiscourse. Finally, the author considers the prospects of virtual ideologies researches.
Key words cyberdiscourse, ideology, virtual ideologies, anti-copyright, copyright, post-materialist values, the Internet.
Article information
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