Article name Scientific Research: “the Court of Reason” or “Evolutionary Selection”?
Authors Yartsev R.A. Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 001.8
Article type
Annotation The present article is concerned with the analysis of Stephen Toulmin’s argumentation against the existence of a universal method of scientific cognition. It is shown that the complexity of scientific problems and the ambiguity of the selection criteria of scientific solutions do not imply the absence of such a method, and parallels between the development of science, administration of justice and the evolutionary process found by S. Toulmin are not valid for the matter under inquiry. Thus, the “court of reason” according to S. Toulmin does not go beyond a particular scientific “jurisdiction” with its specific laws, and “the evolutionary form of historical explanation” reduces scientific methods to the specific characters involved in the selection, whereas the universal method goes over the line between scientific disciplines and does not evolve. It is stated that the concept development of “judgment of reason” leads to the discovery of this method, if we accept that the juridical analogue of the latter is the general procedure for the Court, recorded in the legislation of developed countries. The article lists the main steps of this procedure, corresponding to the main mandatory stages of scientific research.
Key words science, scientific knowledge, evolution, universal method, study, analogy, litigation.
Article information
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Full articleScientific Research: “the Court of Reason” or “Evolutionary Selection”?