Article name Development of Competence of the Future Professional as a Self-Creation Process
Authors Vinogradova N.I. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The author analyzes psychological mechanisms of self-development of future experts’ competence. The subject of analysis is professional and personal components of professionalism. The methodological basis of the analysis is acmeological approach. The criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the level of professionalism is the level of designing and realization by the student such forms of professionalization, that ensure the formation of authoring activity. The author projects model of competence formation through the co-organization of the basic administrative links of its activity. The analysis and systematizing of principles of the components co-organization of competence allowed the author to allocate the semantic content change of student’s informative activity into the professional. The reorientation mechanism is the activation of his author’s position at the formation of author’s system of professional self-development. The author establishes major factors, influencing on competence formation as a spontaneous process. The transformation of the model of the student’s professional competence formation into technologically based psycho-technical program of self-improvement corresponds to stages: understanding – acceptances – designing – realizations – self-checking. Each of stages is capable to be modified logically according to self-improvement purposes at each stage of preparation. The author allocates the system of the organizational conditions, influenced on activation of base displays of professional’s “I-concept”.
Key words stage-by-stage development of competence, productive professionalizing, model of competence formation, informative activity, professional work, professional students and teachers’ community, stages of productive competence formation, psycho-technical program of selfimprovement, professional’s “I –concept”.
Article information
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