Article name The Cluster Approach Usage in the Training of Teachers in Institutions of Continuous Professional Education
Authors Shirokova I.E. senior lecturer,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Continuous Education and Further Training
UDK 374.04
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the use of the cluster approach in the training of educators. The definition of the cluster as a form of organization bringing stakeholders towards achieving competitive advantage: research, teaching at all levels (school, university, further education). Defined the general structure of the cluster and the pattern of interaction between the cluster members.The realization of the cluster approach in the Irkutsk IPDE is the example of a cluster of information and communication competence of teachers. Reasonably necessary condition for the application of the cluster approach in the training system: the availability of such information and educational space, which in addition features a large-scale discussion of the problems of educational practice, broadcast their own experience and study of development of other teachers there are mechanisms to support networking community, manifested in the organization of various forms of joint working parties to achieve a certain result.
Key words training, cluster, cluster approach, continuous professional education.
Article information
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Full articleThe Cluster Approach Usage in the Training of Teachers in Institutions of Continuous Professional Education