Article name The Program of Teaching Subject’s Formation by Means of Advertising Texts in the Russian Language Teaching
Authors Smolyakova Y.Y. postgraduate,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 371
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problem of teaching subject forming on the lessons of the Russian language by means of advertising texts. The author describes the requirements of the Federal State Standard for teaching outcomes (personal, subjects and meta-subjects). These requirements became the central in the modeling of the program for the pupil’s formation as a teaching subject by means of advertising texts on the Russian language lessons. Opportunity to come to the personal, subject and meta-subject results allows us to create the universal learning activities (ULA). ULA creates the possibility of independent successful acquisition of new knowledge, skills and competencies for pupils. It creates the conditions for making pupil as a subject of his own learning activities. The article represents the fragment of the program, aimed at formation of the subject teaching by the means of advertising texts for the Russian language teaching, developing pupils’ own learning activities by themselves.
Key words Federal State Educational Standard, teaching subject, personal results, substantive results, meta-subjects results, Universal learning activities, advertising texts, value orientation, critical thinking.
Article information
References 1. Federalny gosudarstvenny obrazovatelny standart osnovnogo obshchego obrazovaniya. M.: Prosveshcheniye, 2011. 342 s. 2. Cherepanova L. V. Metodicheskaya gotovnost uchitelya k otsenke kvalifikatsy v usloviyakh kompetentnostnoy paradigmy sovremennogo obrazovaniya// Uchyonye zapiski ZabGGPU im. N. G.Chernyshevskogo. Ser. «Professionalnoye obrazovaniye, teoriya i metodika obucheniya». 2011. № 6(41).S. 50–58.
Full articleThe Program of Teaching Subject’s Formation by Means of Advertising Texts in the Russian Language Teaching