Article name Tendencies of the Foreign Vocabulary Assimilation Process in the Modern German Language
Authors Volkova T.I. Senior Lecturer,
Bibliographic description
Section World Philology
UDK 821.111
Article type
Annotation One of the problems in the modern German language is the problem of pronunciation of the foreign vocabulary. The article is devoted to identification of trends of the foreign vocabulary assimilation process in the modern German language. The investigation of trends observed in pronunciation of foreign and loanwords in German has not only linguistic but didactic value. In the article the analysis of the foreign phonemes on the material of the modern German press is provided towards definition of ways of adoptions from languages – lexificators, frequency of the foreign words. The particular value of the article is presented by the described investigation of the foreign vocabulary in terms of pronunciation with the help of two dictionaries of pronunciation standards of the German language (1982 and 2010). Defining the reference of a word to the foreign category the author relied on interviews data with native German speakers. Referring to the texts of interviews got from the internet during 2009–2011 revealed the character of the foreign words penetrating by oral way into the modern German. The combination of linguistic analysis on the phonemes level and psycholinguistic approach is the characteristic feature of the article. The author described two trends in the modern German: the assimilation of phonological structure of foreign words and some foreign phonemes penetration into German. The result of the second process is the peripheral system consisting of a small number of phonemes, realizing in German nowadays. Data obtained experimentally are vividly represented by means of tables and diagrams. The results of the investigation have theoretical value in the linguistic aspect and also are a matter of interest in the view of teaching German as a foreign language.
Key words foreign vocabulary, trends, phonetic assimilation, phonemic composition, frequency of usage, norms of pronunciation
Article information
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Full articleTendencies of the Foreign Vocabulary Assimilation Process in the Modern German Language