Article name Verbs of Negative Ethical Assessment in the Khakass Language
Authors Chertykova M.D. Candidate of Philology,
Bibliographic description
Section Oriental Studies
UDK 811.512.1
Article type
Annotation Article is devoted to identification and system-semantic analysis of the verbal units united by the general, invariant meaning “have feeling of strong confusion, awkwardness, fault from consciousness of reprehensibility, unseemliness of the act” and components one of micro-groups in hierarchical structure of lexical-semantic group of verbs of emotion of the Khakass language. The considered verbs express a negative ethical assessment of any actions made both by the subject, and surrounding his faces, and also the emotions endured by the subject in connection with awareness of reprehensibility of the own or others acts. This two-aspect component (existence of two layers) also is a specific feature of semantics of verbs with values of shame, a shame, confusion, constraint, fault and repentance. As our material showed, the most numerous and various in respect of language expression is the semantic net of the concepts “abasement” and “shame”. In the article 10 verbal units are analyzed. During the analysis the lexical-semantic options come to light and also differential sense pieces which are realized (are represented) in a context, the rich, illustrative material confirming these values is given. Research shows the characteristics of the Khakass language in expression of the emotions, connected with negative ethical assessment: the considered verbs have no synonyms; two of them are included in this category on the basis of secondary lexical-semantic options. However all these verbs are the key in the designation of negative ethical assessment, and are the most frequent in written text and oral speech.
Key words lexical semantics, verb, lexical-semantic option, emotions, shades of emotions, ethical assessment.
Article information
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