Article name Violence in the Family as a Factor of Divorce Level Rising of the Contemporary Families
Authors Badonov A.M. Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.356.2
Article type
Annotation In the article it is discussed the violence in the family as the factor of raising the level of the divorces of contemporary families. Divorce as phenomenon is a characteristic for many countries, including Russia. At present in Russia the number of divorces is great. This is connected with the different reasons. Worsening in the material position of families, the lack of preparation of young people to the family life, and also alcoholism both an addiction and a number of other reasons lead to a decrease of the level of satisfactoriness with family life, and to increasing the conflict situations in the family, number of divorces. Moreover in the contemporary Russian family, the problem of conflicts and violence becomes more evident. In the article the data of the sociological investigations conducted by the author are cited. Studies were conducted in the Republic of Buryatia in 2011–2013 yr. According to the results of studies it is possible to draw the conclusion that the violence in the family has latent nature. Violence in the family has significant consequences for the victims of the members of family. The analysis of divorces causes of contemporary families shows the high portion in them of violence in the family. The reports of family violence lead to the overestimation of family relations and in the final analysis to the divorce. Divorce under the conditions of family violence is one of the effective means of the solution of this problem. Thus, violence in the family leads to the specific increase in the quantity of divorces of contemporary families.
Key words family, divorce, the reason for divorce, conflict, violence in the family
Article information
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