Article name Master\'s Thesis as a Means of Development of Master\'s Professional Competencies (Master’s program “Methodological Technologies in Philological Education”)
Authors Cherepanova L.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to one of the burning issues for the higher professional education (HPE), namely to the training of Master\'s in Education, and reveals its outcomes determined by the Federal State Education Standard (FSES) for HPE. Within the HPE competence paradigm such outcomes are represented by the developed general and special professional competencies in the following spheres: pedagogy, research, training methods, management, project development, and cultural education. These competencies are developed according to the Master degree curriculum. Research work takes a special place in the formation of professional competencies. It is carried out in different forms during masters’ training: independent preparation for seminars in different disciplines; research practice; work on a master’s dissertation. The specificities of writing masters dissertations in Education consist in elaborating, arranging, carrying out the experiments, and analyzing them in order to support the suggested hypothesis. These peculiarities define the stages of the research and their significance and emphasize the special role of training and research practices prescribed by the FSES for HPE and the master degree curriculum. The article describes the content and the ways of the postgraduate students’ work on their masters’ dissertations during the research practice. It is shown that every practice solves certain issues of writing a master’s dissertation and suggests definite types of pedagogical and research activities. It is emphasized that postgraduates’ work on their masters’ thesis is systemic in its nature. The structure of this system is displayed by taking as a sample the Master degree program “Training technologies in philological education”. The theory of developing the professional competencies is illustrated by separate parts of the Master’s dissertation entitled as “The development of the school students’ regulatory universal learning activities at the lessons of the Russian language”. It is proved that a master’s dissertation is a means to develop the postgraduates’ professional competencies, since the research and experiment activities under natural conditions of training practices enable future masters to gain experience in the analysis, systematization, generalization, application of the acquired knowledge, development of training techniques and their practical use, and proper interpretation of the obtained data.
Key words master’s dissertation, research practice, training practice, pedagogical practice, professional competencies, pedagogical education, master degree program.
Article information
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Full articleMaster\'s Thesis as a Means of Development of Master\'s Professional Competencies (Master’s program “Methodological Technologies in Philological Education”)