Article name The Importance of Language Expression Research Concerning Family Scripts for the Theory of Language
Authors Krasheninnikova I.V. Competitor,
Bibliographic description
Section Russian Philology
UDK 81
Article type
Annotation This article deals with the meaning of language expression of family scripts for the theory of language. Language expression of family scripts is thought as current attitudes, values and views about family relationships that are kept as sentences and phrases in our mind. And it is also important how they are developed in speech. At the speech level family scripts have the form of fixed phrases or sentences associated with body of knowledge about family which exists in every person’s mind. Studying of language expression of family scripts has a lot to do with different questions which have linguistic and psycholinguistic nature and can make a contribution to the development of such approaches as language and speech, language and thought, semantics of syntax, lexical semantics, phono-semantics, and sociolinguistics. Thus, the problem presented in this article is relevant for the general theory of language. The purpose of this article is substantiation correlation of represented problem with general-theoretical linguistics problems. The specific of the article is in the following: methodologically important differentiation of such linguistic research levels as \"thought – language in its proper meaning – psychophysiology – speech – communication\" is used in it. The descriptive method of research is used.
Key words family script, language, speech, thought, psycholinguistics, constructability, destructiveness, cultural linguistics, phono-semantics.
Article information
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