Article name Sociocultural Competence Formation by Means of Competency- Oriented Tasks While Foreign Language Teaching at Higher School
Authors Arkhipova G.S. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate professor,,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The given article reveals one of the important issues of sociocultural competence formation while foreign language teaching at higher school and some contradictions hampering this process. Sociocultural competence aspects in foreign language teaching are analyzed and ways of its formation by means of contradiction elimination with the help of competency-oriented tasks are suggested. Use of competency-oriented tasks helps to form student’s ability to orientate himself in non-standard situations to solve professional and social problems independently, to demonstrate flexibility, mobility, and accordingly to be successful in his future work while communicating with foreign colleagues. Competency-oriented tasks are recommended to use both as home tasks and at the practical classes of different types (study of new material, practicing the material studied, complex application of knowledge, summarizing and systematizing knowledge, as a control point, assessment and correction). While studying the material with the help of competency-oriented tasks one may create conditions for the concept and conclusion formation, for the mastering of grammatical phenomena, topical vocabulary, rules of reading, etc. At the practical classes of complex application of knowledge by means of competency-oriented tasks, one may formulate the problem (task) which is necessary to solve during the lesson. For example, at Business English classes a teacher may introduce such competency-oriented tasks: “persuade a foreign colleague to accept your business proposal taking into consideration the sociocultural aspect of the communication”, or “offer methods of production problem solution in the most effective and optimal way”, and others. Also methods of foreign language teaching in which competency-oriented tasks are advisable to use are shown.
Key words higher professional education, sociocultural competence, foreign language teaching at non-linguistichigher school, competency-oriented tasks, Bachelors’ and Masters’ training, foreign language communication.
Article information
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Full articleSociocultural Competence Formation by Means of Competency- Oriented Tasks While Foreign Language Teaching at Higher School