Article name Features of Regionally Oriented Methodological System in Teaching Russian
Authors Novikova T.F. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Korneyko E.A. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 373
Article type
Annotation The article introduces the concept of experimentally tested, practice-oriented methodological system. This system is built on some principles of modern paradigm of education such as integrative, communication, and cultural conformity principles. In addition, this system is aimed at personal development and socialization of students. The authors summarize scientific facts and regulations for creation of the theoretical foundations of the original system of teaching. For the first time, a definition of the concept of a regionally oriented methodological system introduced to the pedagogical discourse is given; it is compared with the traditional term of a methodological system, as well as with some other authors’ definitions and characteristics of this key term.The authors characterize the components of the system presented: goals and objectives adjusted to methodological idea implemented, principles of the system of teaching the native language taking into account regionalization of school language education and actualization of cultural studies aspects, features of educational and didactic material selection and adjusting the content of the subject area “the Russian language” (the case of the theme “Lexicon”). The authors list the thematic areas and vectors of incorporating regional material into the content of education, they offer and briefly describe the new forms of organization of educational process, and announce the project of the collection of teaching materials “To Belgorod beginnings”, proposed by the authors as a learning tool supplementing traditional means.
Key words methodological system, regionally oriented methodological system, objectives, principles, integration, organizational forms, culturological competence, regional component.
Article information
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Full articleFeatures of Regionally Oriented Methodological System in Teaching Russian