Article name Professional Education: the Destruction of the System or Building a New One?
Authors Ivanov V.G. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description Ivanov V. G. Professional Education: the Destruction of the System or Building a New One? // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 61–68. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-61-68.
UDK 37.014
DOI 10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-61-68
Article type
Annotation The problems of modernization of vocational education in the historical aspect associated with new legal and regulatory parameters in the current socio-economic conditions are examined in this article. The modern system of relations between the states, even the developed ones, as recent events have shown, is quite unpredictable. It must be taken in consideration that the advantage of any country is provided by the human resources development, human capacity and with the growth of the educational level of population. The key objective of vocational education is the implementation of the state policy in the field of education, the main requirement of which is the provision of efficient education for the younger generation. Given the fact that Russian business is currently experiencing an acute shortage in competent professionals, it is necessary to improve methods and technologies of training for specific occupations and professions, primarily for working. Speaking as autonomous and independent, the Institute of professional education has its own functional purpose in society, which is determined by the nature of the economy needs for the training of professional personnel. Despite the ongoing reforms, the main task of vocational education, as in all historical periods, is still the challenge of training qualified personnel. Today, modernization of professional education requires the training of competent personnel at all levels in accordance with the needs of the labour market. Admitting the formation of a new and more progressive system as the main standard of modernization, it is impossible not to take in attention the increasing role of human individuals in the successful implementation of changes generated by modernization.
Key words professional education, modernization, integration, educational institutions, national education
Article information
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Full articleProfessional Education: the Destruction of the System or Building a New One?