Article name On the Training of Vocational Education Teachers for Research Activities
Authors Vasilyev A.A. Specialist,
Bibliographic description Vasilyev A. A. On the Training of Vocational Education Teachers for Research Activities // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 6–12. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching).
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation This article discusses the training requirements for vocational education teachers under the circumstances of the innovation economics, which is characterized by a close dialogue of the labor market and education. The author gives a brief analysis on the issue of students training for research activities. The research methodology is based on the philosophical and pedagogical approaches that reveal the essential and substantial characteristics of the concept “research activities”, as well as on the ideas of the competency approach on the issue of research competences formation. The article gives information about the training of vocational education teachers for the research activities at university in the context of bringing this training into line with the requirements of the professional standard for the vocational education teachers, and their further vocational training. The paper identifies two main tasks in the training of vocational education teachers, these tasks are aimed at the application of the elements of dual education by the implementation of the research function of the vocational education teachers both in the industry and vocational education, and substantiation of the selection of the research function content of the future vocational education teachers due to levels (threshold, basic, advanced). The developed level system of the research functions of vocational education teachers can be used in the planning, organization and control of the quality of educational process.
Key words vocational training, readiness for research activities, training, research function of vocational education teachers, dual education
Article information
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