Article name Кириенко Е. А. Методология сравнительно-исторического исследования дополнительного (внешкольного) образования детей в России и Китае // Учёные записки ЗабГУ. Сер. Педагогические науки. 2017. Т. 12, № 2. С. 118–123.
Authors Kirienko E.А. Doctoral Candidate,
Bibliographic description Reference to the article Kirienko E.A. Methodology of Comparative Historical Research of Supplementary (Extracurricular) Education of Children in Russia and China // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 118–123.
Section School Pedagogy
UDK 378
DOI © Т. Г. Сепик, 2017 ISSN 2542-0089 ISSN 2542-0070 (Online) УДК 378 DOI:
Article type
Annotation The study and analysis of the basic methods of comparative and historical research in the field of pedagogy is an urgent problem for modern researchers, since its resolution will help to build a clearer and more understandable methodology. Thus, it will help to better understand and describe the two systems of supplementary education for children in countries with different cultures. Modern works of comparative researchers are basically dry descriptions of pedagogical systems, without regard for their study in the historical context. However, turning to the sources, formation and development of educational systems in the process of their comparison allows us to see the uniqueness of the research. The urgency of the research in the context of the increasingly complex phenomenon of multiculturalism is unquestionable, since in an open exchange of traditional values, results of research and readiness to conduct an open dialogue in the study of education systems the educators of Russia and China see the need to build innovative education systems relying on the integration and interaction. The author made an attempt to determine the methodological foundations of the comparative historical study of the RF and the PRC supplementary education systems, which corresponds to the contemporary tasks of comparative pedagogy, which involves studying and analyzing the development of all links in the education system.
Key words research methods, methodology, approach, comparative-historical, supplementary (extracurricular) education of children
Article information
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Full articleКириенко Е. А. Методология сравнительно-исторического исследования дополнительного (внешкольного) образования детей в России и Китае // Учёные записки ЗабГУ. Сер. Педагогические науки. 2017. Т. 12, № 2. С. 118–123.