Article name Some Questions of Foreign Language Teaching in the Activity of the Pedagogical Society of the Imperial Moscow University
Authors Levchenko O.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy, associate professor, levchenkozip@
Bibliographic description Levchenko O. Yu. Some Questions of Foreign Language Teaching in the Activity of the Pedagogical Society of the Imperial Moscow University // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogical Sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, № 2. PP. 148–154.
UDK 82.0:159.9
DOI 10.21209/2542-0089-2017-12-2-141-147
Article type
Annotation The study, theoretical comprehension and generalization of the historical experience of domestic education, activities of the teaching community in the educational development is topical in modern conditions. The article is devoted to the history of pedagogical societies in Russia uniting teachers, educators, heads of educational institutions, public representatives which were engaged in the development of actual problems of the theory and practice of education and upbringing, looked for the ways of improving the content, methods and forms of organization of educational process. The author analyzes multilateral activities which were carried out by pedagogical society established at the Imperial Moscow University. It included a department of the “new” languages organized in 1899. It worked in two directions: practically-pedagogical and scientific. In 1903-1904 academic year, the department of “new” languages consisted of 50 members. Retained reports of pedagogical society are important sources of information and of great interest in the context of study of the history of national foreign language teaching. They contain information about the structure of society, its members and the basic directions of activity. The reports present the themes of lectures delivered at meetings of the department of the “new” languages, some of which are dedicated to the definition of objectives and analysis of methods of foreign language teaching. A great deal of attention was paid to the study and promotion of advanced domestic and foreign experience in foreign languages teaching.
Key words pedagogical society, the history of national foreign language education
Article information
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Full articleSome Questions of Foreign Language Teaching in the Activity of the Pedagogical Society of the Imperial Moscow University