Article name Features of Encapsulation Processes in Multivector Coordinates of Russian Society
Authors Firsov M. . Doctor of History, Professor,
Yudina T.N. Doctor of Sociology, Professor, Head,
Chernikova A.A. Graduate Student,
Bibliographic description Firsov M. V., Yudina T. N., Chernikova A. A. Features of Encapsulation Processes in Multivector Coordinates of Russian Society // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Social Sciences Series. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 3. PP. 30–40. DOI: 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-30-40.
UDK 316.4.06
DOI 10.21209/2500-171X-2017-12-3-30-40
Article type
Annotation The institutionalization processes of modern Russian society affect all spheres of its development. In modern conditions, the new relations that are beginning to form between social groups and national communities require their systematic interpretation. Contemporary postmodern cognition looks for such forms of comprehension of multivector phenomena that would enable to go beyond the traditional schemes and “accepted” discourses of reality comprehension, since it is rather difficult to describe dynamic processes in one cognitive matrix. In this connection, social cognition uses various approaches to the reflection of emerging social processes. One of such approaches is cultural encapsulation, proposed by American researcher C. Gilbert Wrenn. Cultural encapsulation is widely used in counseling and therapy practice for understanding the specific features of ethnic clients social functioning in society. Social knowledge also uses this approach to describe the interaction of various ethnic groups in relation to ethnic and cultural issues. The article reveals different approaches to the description of the transformation of the Soviet matrix of encapsulation, its basic characteristics, features of functioning and its transition to the Russian model of cultural encapsulation.
Key words assimilation, encapsulation, collective encapsulation matrix, encapsulation types, institutionalization, marginalization, migration
Article information
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