Article name The Control System of Mechatronic Screwed Assembly on the Basis of the Neural Structure with Fuzzy Logic
Authors Berezin S.Y. Doctor of Engineering,
Bibliographic description Reference to article Berezin S. Ya. The Control System of Mechatronic Screwed Assembly on the Basis of the Neural Structure with Fuzzy Logic // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Technology. 2018. Vol. 13, No 4. PP. 69-79. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8761-2018-13-4-69-79.
UDK 621.88.002.72
DOI 10.21209/2308-8761-2018-13-4-69-79
Article type
Annotation The article presents a system of automatic control mechatronic screwing machines with elements of artificial intelligence and developed information environment. The system uses a hybrid control principle based on neural network structures and known PID control units. Neural network is formed on the principles of fuzzy logic. We developed the functioning models of assembly plants for automation of operations of screwing of small-sized fasteners by mechatronic screw-head with automatic control system of its modes of operation and CNC technological equipment. A series of experimental studies of the efficiency of the developed control system has shown a high efficiency of assembly operations. The proposed system provides the possibility of constructing high-precision control systems for the assembly process of threaded connections with maximum control of its parameters and conditions of implementation.
Key words automation control, neural network, PID controller, screw joints, feedback, stepper motor, assembly head
Article information
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Full articleThe Control System of Mechatronic Screwed Assembly on the Basis of the Neural Structure with Fuzzy Logic