Article name The Age Structure of Cenopopulations of Erythronium sibiricum (Liliaceae) in the Tomsk Region
Authors Sedelnikova L.L.Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research scientist
Bibliographic description
UDK 581.52:582.572.8 (571.16)
Article type
Annotation The study was implemented in the Central Siberian Botanical Garden. It analyzes the results of the vital power condition of species in the south of the Tomsk Region, investigates seven cenopopulations of the Erythronium sibiricum on the territory of the Tomsk Region and defines the type of the spectrum. According to the type of the ontogenetic spectrum, there are the following cenopopulations: left-handed, centered and bimodal. The study presents the age structure of E. sibiricum and defines the basic spectrum of cenopopulations. It is left-handed, full-membered. In the taiga zone environs of the town of Tomsk, there are young, transitional cenopopulations on the northern border of the area. The spectrum of cenopopulations of E. sibiricum is connected with its adaptation to the mesophytic living conditions. The article presents the characteristics of habitats of E. sibiricum.
Key words cenopopulation, ontogenetic spectrum, Erythronium sibiricum, Tomsk Region.
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Full articleThe Age Structure of Cenopopulations of Erythronium sibiricum (Liliaceae) in the Tomsk Region