Article name The Role of Metabolic Acidosis in the Development of Hemostasis System Disorders and the Occurrence of DIC-syndrome in Critical Condition Patients
Authors Zabrodina L.A.postgraduate, Department of Medical and Biological bases of Physical Education and Sports
Alfonsova Y.V.Candidate of Science (Medicine)
Bibliographic description
UDK 616.152.112
Article type
Annotation A retrospective analysis of 30 metabolic acidosis surgical patients’ cases was carried out in order to study and identify the significance of disturbances of acid-base balance (ABB) in the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC). A correlation analysis revealed statistically significant inverse correlations between the International Normalized Ratio (INR) and the concentration of standard bicarbonate (SB), base excesses (BE), total СО2, between prothrombin time (PT) and concentration of bicarbonates (НСО3 -); activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and total CO2. Against the background of correction of the acid-base balance the study defined direct significant correlations among the concentration of fibrinogen and blood pH, pressure of oxygen (pO2), SB, ВE, tCO2, НСО3 -, between aPTT and SB. Thus, metabolic disorders of patients in critical conditions are a risk factor in the development of DIC-syndrome.
Key words acid-base balance (ABB), metabolic acidosis, critical condition, hemostasis, DIC-syndrome.
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Full articleThe Role of Metabolic Acidosis in the Development of Hemostasis System Disorders and the Occurrence of DIC-syndrome in Critical Condition Patients