Article name Rural Areas in Contemporary Russian Society (Buryatiya as an Example)
Authors Boyak Т.N.Doctor of Sociology, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.334.55
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of the 2005–2006 sociological research conducted by the author among rural youth of Buryatia, as well as some data of the 2009 sociological survey conducted among the rural population of the Kyakhtinsky region in Buryatia by a group of scientists from Buryatia (including the author). The paper focuses on the social significance of the Russian countryside that keeps up and transfers human values and traditional folk culture. The author presents the characteristics of spiritual and moral values of modern rural population and youth, analyzes some problems of rural life, and highlights urgent tasks to conserve and develop the countryside. According to the author, it is necessary to implement a programme of actions aimed at improving living conditions of the rural population, providing employment for young people for their self-realization in the native countryside, heightening the prestigious status of rural areas, developing rural social and cultural spheres, forming a social ideology to educate the younger generation in the best spiritual and moral traditions of our culture.
Key words countryside, rural population, rural youth, values, traditions.
Article information
Full articleRural Areas in Contemporary Russian Society (Buryatiya as an Example)