Article name Main Theoretical Approaches to the Definition of the Categories of Meaning in National and Foreign Psychology
Authors Terekhova T.A.Doctor of Psychology, professor
Belan M.A.Graduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.923
Article type
Annotation The article considers the main approaches to the understanding of semantic categories in psychology and presents a detailed analysis of the categories of meaning, semantic formations, the semantic setting, semantic process and semantic sphere. The first four categories are more represented in national psychology. The category of the semantic sphere is represented in the writings of both national and foreign authors. The paper shows that such categories as “meaning,” “semantic formation”, “semantic sphere” of the personality have been studied in two contexts: “personality-activity” and “personalityconsciousness.” The more the theory refers to a person, his personality, the more it reveals itself in the category of meaning. The process of meaning formation is seen as a system that includes reflected, realized and accepted by the person semantic structures, as a determinant of the development of the personality’s innovative potential.
Key words personality, category, meaning, semantic structure, semantic process, semantic sphere, semantic setting, motive, self-regulation.
Article information
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Full articleMain Theoretical Approaches to the Definition of the Categories of Meaning in National and Foreign Psychology