Article name Architectonics of Representation as an Event
Authors Peskov V.P.Candidate of Psychology, Assistant Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 111
Article type
Annotation The article justifies a new point of view on the representation that synthesizes cognitive, valuable, ethical, aesthetic, spatial and temporal, and chronotope relationships. It shows that from the point of experience, realization, and understanding, the representation about the world is existential. The article emphasizes that the explication of representations is associated with the idea of transforming objective reality into subjective space of mentally displayed reality. It reveals that the representation as well as its environment has its own relatively independent existence, an individual context of life. The process of representation is disclosed from the ontological point of view, revealing a new relationship of man and the world, through the concept of “representation architectonics.” It reconstructs the representation process as an event, and considers some of its angles: situational, mnemonic, spatialtemporal, imaginative and representational.
Key words representation, representation architectonics, representation processuality, subject, object, world, being, event.
Article information
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Full articleArchitectonics of Representation as an Event