Article name Syntactic Analysis of the Mathematic Tasks in Terms of Their Difficulty for Comprehension at Primary Schools
Authors Basalaeva M.V.a postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 811.161.1 (07)
Article type
Annotation The article deals with one aspect of understanding the texts of mathematical tasks by younger students. The focus is made upon some peculiarities of the syntactic structure of such texts, which greatly complicate their comprehension. The results of the textual quantitative analysis of modern textbooks in Mathematics for primary schools, are presented in different aspects: the number of texts containing one sentence of more than 12 words; the number of texts containing 2–4 sentences of more than 12 words; the number of texts containing sentences of more than 12 words and difficult to understand syntactic structure (a complex sentence, participial clauses). In conclusion a brief description is given to the texts of the arithmetic tasks taking into account the results obtained by the analysis. The methodological problem related to understanding such texts has been pointed out. We suggest a solution to this problem.
Key words the text comprehension, the difficulty factors of the mathematic text, the syntactic features of the mathematic tasks, long sentences containing syntactic structures difficult to understand.
Article information
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Full articleSyntactic Analysis of the Mathematic Tasks in Terms of Their Difficulty for Comprehension at Primary Schools