Article name Some Syntactic Functions of Common and Locative Cases in the Avar Language
Authors Magomedov M.A.Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81–22.4
Article type
Annotation This article deals with the functional analysis of the common and locative cases in the Avar language. It describes both locative and abstract meanings of locative cases. The absolutive case is pointed out to express the subject of an intransitive verb and is also used as a part of the compound predicate. The ergative case is mainly used to express the subject of a transitive verb of a predicate. The genitive case serves as the indirect object, and the dative case performs the function of a subject in different verbs. The locative cases are widely used both in spatial and non-spatial meanings. The nouns in spatial meanings in locative cases perform the functions of adverbial modifiers of place. In non-spatial meanings they perform the functions of an object, and they can be a predicative. The noun in the form of a locative can be predicative.
Key words the Dagestan languages, locative cases, functional analysis, expressions of subject and object
Article information
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Full articleSome Syntactic Functions of Common and Locative Cases in the Avar Language