Article name Mathematical Models of Flat-Radial Gas Filtration by the Forchheimer Law to a Vertical Well
Authors Tolpaev V.A.Doctor of Physics and Ma-thematics, Professor
Evenko I.A.Senior Lecturer,
Bibliographic description
UDK 532.5
Article type
Annotation The article provides derivation of an equation for the study of unsteady flat-radial gas discharge according to the Forchheimer law for the purpose of its further application with the data on pressure recovery curves and pressure drop curves. They can more accurately determine reservoir pressure in the drainage area of the well as compared with the stationary studies.
Key words well, drainage area, data processing of gas-hydrodynamic studies, flat-radial gas discharge, Darcy’s linear law , Forchheimer law, pressure recovery curves, pressure drop curves
Article information
References Basniyev K. S., Dmitriyev N. M., Rozenberg G. D. Neftegazovaya gidromekhanika. M.; Izhevsk: Institut kompyuternykh issledovany, 2003. 480 s.
Full articleMathematical Models of Flat-Radial Gas Filtration by the Forchheimer Law to a Vertical Well