Article name Feature of Value-Sense Sphere of Young People’s Personality with Different Level of Religiousness Intensity
Authors Gumnitskiy M.E.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.6
Article type
Annotation Ideological indefiniteness of our time makes young people seek for meanings and values of their life in all available spiritual studies and practices. So, the problem of searching spiritual and existential meaning, social identification is extremely vital in social psychology. Religiousness and human spiritual development are associated with progress of personality qualities and self-consciousness which are reflected in self-actualization. Determination of interdependence of religiousness with vital-meaning orientation, values, and personality qualities of young people is research’s purpose. Results of measures comparison of 60 scales of 3 respondent groups, aged 17 to 30, with different level of religiousness intensity: common and distinctive features which allow formulating of socialpsychological portrait of respondents are presented. Respondents with low level of religiousness intensity are characterized by low level of acceptance of confessional (Christian) values and religious moral norms, tendency to find magic power and support in religion, religious self- consciousness; high level of acceptance of aggressive behavior, cognitive needs and creativity. Respondents with high level of religiousness intensity are characterized by low level of Machiavellism and acceptance of aggressive behavior; high level of acceptance of idealistic philosophy’s principle, tendency to find support in religion and to show religiousness external indication, religious self- consciousness and acceptance religious moral norms. Also a number of common characteristics for groups of respondents with different level of religiousness intensity are determined. Results of investigation can be used for practical application in problem of young people education: inculcation social-acceptable norms, values, models of behavior, familiarization to tradition and culture of one’s own ethnical group and other ethnical groups. This allows removing or loosening a number of interethnic problems and defining one’s own vital-meaning orientation and values.
Key words religiousness of personality, young people, value-sense sphere, personality qualities, self-actualization, vital-meaning orientation, values, social identity.
Article information
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