Article name Developing Non-linguistic Institution Students’ Ability to Deliver Foreign Oral Business-based Argumentative Speech
Authors Proskurina G.A.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description Proskurina G. A. Developing Non-linguistic Institution Students’ Ability to Deliver Foreign Oral Business-based Argumentative Speech // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Professional Education, Theory and Methodology of Teaching. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 6. PP. 98–102.
UDK 81.1’243
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the problems of non-linguistic institutions of higher education students’ ability to argumentation formation, which is actualized in the process of oral business-based intercultural communication. Based on the analysis of different approaches to distinguish the content components for oral communication training in non-linguistic institutions, the author defines a complex of knowledge, skills and contacts that form the essence of the ability to oral business-based argumentation (the productive aspect), and that are designed to ensure the effectiveness of students’ activity in the process of preparation and oral argumentative presentations. The main content components for teaching students a foreign oral business-based argumentative speech are: 1) knowledge of linguistic and extralinguistic features in the field of foreign cultural oral business argumentative discourse; 2) discursive, general verbal, common argumentative skills, the skills to operate with lexical means of argumentation expression. To organize the assimilation of the selected content components process, educational principles have been worked out and methodically substantiated. The reliance on these principles can contribute to the successful students’ preparation to a foreign oral business-based argumentative speech in non-linguistic institutions. A number of general-didactic, methodical, as well as special principles has been defined: the principle of the discursive essence of argumentation registration and the principle of cooperation. The article proposes a step-by-step formation of the students’ ability to generate oral business-based speech and presents the stages of training, methods and techniques of the technology under review.
Key words oral dialogic speech, educational content, discursive knowledge, discursive skills, argumentative ability, special principles, stages of training
Article information
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