Article name Ecological and Faunistic Characteristics of the Fish Fauna of Some Lakes in Chitino-Ingodinsky Basin
Authors Gorlachyova Y.P.Candidate of Science (Biology), senior research assistant
Gorlachev V.P.Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor
Bibliographic description Gorlacheva Eu.P, Gorlachev B. P. Ecological and Faunistic Characteristics of the Fish Fauna of Some Lakes in Chitino-Ingodinsky Basin // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2018. Vol. 13, No. 1. PP. 50–59. DOI: 10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-50-59.
DOI 10.21209/2500-1701-2018-13-1-50-59
UDK 597.591
Article type
Annotation On the territory of the Trans-Baikal region there are approximately 10,000 lakes, which are often located in the basins. Most often, these small water reservoirs differ in their morphological indices, hydrochemical composition and fish fauna. At the same time, lakes play an important role in maintaining species diversity. However, to date, the fish fauna of many lakes remains poorly studied. These lakes include the lakes of Chitino-Ingodinsky basin. Due to the fact that the studied lakes are located close to settlements, they experience significant antropogenous loads. All this calls for the necessity of the inventory of fish populations in small lakes, the study of their species composition and restructuring fish communities. The paper describes the ichthyofauna of the lakes of Chitino-Ingodinsky basin. It is noted that it is characterized by a small species diversity that is determined by shallow water lakes and high salinity. The largest number of species belongs to the family of Cyprinidae. The fish fauna composition is dominated by the representatives of the boreal lowland complex. Other faunistic complexes are often represented by one species. Recently representatives of the Chinese faunistic complex have appeared in the composition of the fish fauna of Lake Kenon. The domineering food is benthophage. However, recently in the lakes there has been a reconstruction of the trophic structure associated with a decrease in the number of fish with a predatory type of feeding and an increase in the number of euryphages. The way of life in the lakes is dominated by limnophilic species. The spawning of most fish species occurs on vegetation, therefore, the phytophilous species of fish predominate.
Key words Chitino-Ingodinsky Basin, species diversity, fish fauna, faunistic complexes, nutrition, reproduction
Article information
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Full articleEcological and Faunistic Characteristics of the Fish Fauna of Some Lakes in Chitino-Ingodinsky Basin