Article name Methodological Foundations for the Information Competence Development of Future Teachers of Vocational Training
Authors Zhyeva A.Н.Assistant
Bibliographic description Zhyeva A. H. Methodological Foundations for the Information Competence Development of Future Teachers of Vocational Training // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2021. Vol. 16, No. 3. PP. 35-47. DOI: 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-3-35-47.
DOI 10.21209/2658-7114-2021-16-3-35-47
UDK 378.011.3-051:62:005.57-043.86
Article type
Annotation At the present stage of development of society and technologies, information in digital format acquires the status of capital and becomes the leading factor in the development of the state economy. Digitalization of education is a response to the need of the digital economy for competitive specialists. To ensure the effectiveness of the implementation of the digitalization strategy in the field of vocational education, providing the industry with labor personnel, a necessary condition is the presence of a high level of information competence of vocational training teachers. The professional activity of these specialists is of an integrative, practice- oriented nature, since it is aimed at preparing qualified workers and middle-level specialists for professional activity in various industries that are switching to the use of digital technologies today. The analysis of educational standards for the training of teachers of vocational training allowed the author of the article to establish the fragmentary and unclear requirements for the information competence of this specialist, which prevents its effective development in the process of studying at a university. Also, the analysis of educational standards in the areas corresponding to the profiles of training teachers of vocational training revealed higher industry requirements for the information competence of a teacher of vocational training. These contradictions make it necessary to develop the information competence of future teachers of vocational training in the process of specialized training and the development of appropriate technology. The solution of this problem has been started by the author with the substantiation of the methodological basis for the development of information competence of future teachers of vocational training. The article presents the author^ definition of the information competence of a teacher of vocational training and its structural components. When determining the methodological basis for the development of information competence of future teachers of vocational training, the trends, patterns, principles and methodological approaches of this process are highlighted.
Key words teacher of vocational training, information competence of a teacher of vocational training, methodological approaches, trends, principles, pedagogical technology
Article information
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Full articleMethodological Foundations for the Information Competence Development of Future Teachers of Vocational Training