Article name On a Mutual Choice Problem
Authors Zabelin A.A. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,
Konovalchikova Y.N. ,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK УДК 519.213
Article type
Annotation In this article a non-strategic variant of a mutual choice problem is considered. The model is multistage. At each stage every individual of one population gets a partner from other population in a random way. The quality of individuals of both populations is primary distributed in the [0; 1] segment. Individuals form a pair and leave populations, if their qualities x and y satisfy to an inequality x + y > z (z ∈ [0; 2]). For each period cardinal numbers of sets of the individuals who have remained in populations and their distributions of quality are found.
Key words mutual choice problem, multistage model
Article information
Full articleOn a Mutual Choice Problem